S2AS - News

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Leading Edge Repair With KiteFix

Have a tear or small hole in your leading edge? If you haven’t yet, you probably will. Most of us at some point have self landed our kites and had them drag on the sand, over rocks or across some sticks. Kite manufactures do a lot to build strength into this part of the kite because they know it gets abused. Even so, the leading edge is under so much pressure that it only takes a small object to cause major damage. Traditional methods of repairing this usually involve major time to open the leading edge and replace the tear. This entry will explain how to fix this problem quickly, professionally and permanently using FiberFix, GluFix and KiteFix Self-Adhesive Dacron.
  1. Apply KiteFix Self-Adhesive Dacron to the tear on the inside of the leading edge. Clean the inside of the tear using the alcohol swabs and then apply the Dacron accessing either via the tear itself, or via the leading edge zipper. This will provide strength from the inside and will also provide the backing for the next step.
    Leading edge tape inside Kite leading edge tape insideKite leading edge tape inside
  2. Apply the FiberFix and GluFix to the outside of the leading edge. Again, clean the surface to ensure proper adhesion. Let dry to the touch (approximately 20 minutes).
    Apply FiberFix and GluFix on the tear
  3. Next, cut a strip of KiteFix Self-Adhesive Dacron to go over the FiberFix and GluFix. Round the edges of the patch and apply.
    dacron tapedacron tapePut dacron over the FiberFix
  4. As a final step, seal the edges of the Dacron with the GluFix. Let it dry to the touch and you are ready to ride.
    Seal of GluFix uvs090427-008 [800x600]

Mark Rivers

Sales and Marketing Manager for Kitefix