S2AS - News

Friday 20 March 2020

FREE kitesurf magazines While on Lockdown

So good news to come out today is that The Kite Mag is offering all back issues of the magazine for free, so all the time you are stuck at home you can be at least dreaming of being out on the water by reading the kite mag.
Free Back issues of the Kite Mag

It's a weird time right?!
But the weirdness is bringing plenty of niceness to the front and center too, and we're seeing that everywhere, not least from you lot in the kitesurfing community.
We felt it important to do our bit too. It's not a whole lot, but we've now decided to make every back issue of TheKiteMag available for free, including the current issue. Hopefully, this might provide just the tiniest little bit of relief to any of you who are under a lockdown or have been forced to self-isolate with little in the way of quality reading material...

We'll be dropping back to all but the latest two issues once we deem the weird period we're all experiencing to be over. But in the meantime, please enjoy the latest in premium kiteboarding goodness with our very best wishes.
We're also discussing other ways that we might be able to increase the sense of community across the kiteboarding world, and we've got some pretty exciting stuff coming this way... Stay tuned.
Stay safe everyone and thanks for being a part of our community.
Find your free back issues of The Kite Mag